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Rosacea Treatment in Phoenix, AZ

Rosacea Treatment in Phoenix, AZAlthough there is no cure for your rosacea, you do have options for managing the condition. With rosacea treatment by board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Larry C. Leverett, you experience fewer and less severe symptoms, and you feel more confident and relaxed about your appearance. We offer medical-grade rosacea treatments for men and women in and around the Greater Phoenix area, such as Ahwatukee, Chandler and Gilbert.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a medical condition that causes a persistent inflammation of the skin. Although rosacea can occur on any part of the body, the condition most often affects the chin, cheeks, nose and forehead. The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, but managing the disease is possible.

How Much Does Rosacea Treatment Cost?

Rosacea treatment is customized to the unique needs of each patient, so the cost varies. After you discuss your condition with Dr. Leverett during the consultation, we are better able to provide a cost of treatment. Dr. Leverett offers financing through CareCredit® and Prosper Healthcare Lending. Our office also accepts Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, Discover®, cash and cashier’s checks.

How Do I Know If I Have Rosacea?

Rosacea gives the skin a flushed, irritated and inflamed appearance that may be accompanied by breakouts and tiny broken capillaries. The symptoms may be persistent or appear with certain triggers, such as:

  • Alcohol consumption
  • Stress
  • Eating foods that are acidic or spicy
  • Drinking hot beverages
  • Taking hot showers or using hot tubs and steam rooms
  • Excessive exfoliation
  • Skincare products that contain alcohol

These triggers may mean that a person with rosacea has to avoid many of the things they enjoy, but with the professional guidance and support of the team at Body by Leverett, you can easily manage your rosacea symptoms.

Patient Reviews

"Erin and Candyce are amazing! Erin has given me both Botox and filler and I’m loving my results. I have been also lucky enough to get a facial by Candyce and it was complete heaven!!! I highly recommend making an appointment with both ladies!" - Sara S.

Benefits of Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea treatment will not cure the condition, but it will significantly reduce your symptoms. As a result, you feel more confident about your ability to care for your skin. Your self-esteem increases because you know that your skin looks good.

Good Candidates for Rosacea Treatment

Dr. Leverett specializes in several treatments for rosacea, so he can help those living with the condition better manage the symptoms.

What Can I Expect from My Rosacea Treatment?

At Body by Leverett, we understand that rosacea is a complex skin condition, so we offer several treatment options.

Skincare Products

Our professional skincare products are founded upon extensive clinical research and science that enhances skin health. We will help you find the products that lessen the severity of your rosacea symptoms while enhancing the overall health of your skin.

In-Office Treatments

You may need an initial in-office treatment to give your skin an extra “boost” to be able to resolve more severe symptoms of rosacea. We also recommend periodic in-office treatments so that we can monitor your progress and treat any flare-ups. The goals of the treatments are to:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Enhance cell turnover
  • Perform IPL photofacial  treatments for redness, broken capillaries, and breakouts

After the Rosacea Treatment

Your at-home care is key to managing your rosacea. Dr. Leverett will recommend skincare products and changes to your lifestyle that will keep your symptoms under control.

Rosacea is a challenging skin condition that affects millions of men and women. Although the condition cannot be cured, professional skin treatments at Body by Leverett help you manage the symptoms. If you are looking for safe and effective rosacea treatment in or around the Greater Phoenix area, such as Ahwatukee, Chandler and Gilbert, contact board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Larry C. Leverett, to schedule your consultation for rosacea treatment.